The Community College Math Ship

The Community College Math Ship
U.S.S. Math Club

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Halloween Town 2014 (10/30 Minutes)

Hello Everyone,

Halloween Town was a success for the campus, and a success for Math Club in the sense that we gained a ton of publicity about our existence, our research, our scholarship opportunities, and our desire to do more hands-on activities (Like November 13th's hands-on activity involving polyhedra, which is coming up!!!). However, in another sense, we were a bit of a flop in the sense that we didn't make enough money to cover the cost of our costumes, the amazing Scary Math Test tees, which were designed by Becca.

Scary Math Test tee (front)
Scary Math Test tee (back)
We did, however, break even on the pies, cider, and plates. The problem was that we forgot to buy plates, forks, and napkins in advance from somewhere cheap, and instead had to purchase less for more at the store where we purchased the pies, which were also unfortunately purchased a few minutes before the event was supposed to begin, instead of in advance. In the rush to purchase the pies, cider, and supplies, we accidentally purchased too many pies. Even selling slices at a dollar each, we still had a few pies left over, and they had to be thrown away (there was nowhere to put them). At least we learned our lesson for next time, and at least we broke even on the pie costs!

One of the cutest and most popular items were the Commissioner of Publicity Ryan's 3D printed "Pumpkin Pi" garnishes. Anyone who has pictures of these should send them to me at or so that we can put them here on the blog!

Math Club is still boss, guys. We had spirit, and that counts.

Special thanks to:
Commisioner Gordon Cody for providing a contact to Safeway for the $50 donation and transportation to Safeway the day of the event. He also manned the table and managed a cashbox.
Commisioner of Publicity Ryan for providing us with free professional propaganda and 3D printed pumkin pi garnish for the pi pies.
Secretary AJ for manning the table in the morning
Propagandist Lee, Diedrik, and Idea Man Mr. Green (Jonathan) for manning the table in the evening.
ICC Liaison / Community Outreach Coordinator Antonia for stopping by to help out.
The Financial Aid Advisor for donating $25.

Please let me know if you did something for this event and I forgot you! It is important we acknowledge you here on the blog. Good job, guys!

President Becca

Edit: Ryan has shared photos of his Pumpkin Pi propaganda with us:

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