The Community College Math Ship

The Community College Math Ship
U.S.S. Math Club

Thursday, November 20, 2014

CMC^3 Trip Details

Hey guys-

I know we spent a lot of the meeting tonight planning, so I wanted to make a post to reiterate what we talked about:


The ASCC is funding our CMC^3 Conference (Friday-Saturday 12/5-6) expenses, which includes food, transportation, hotel, and registration, up to $2,000. However, due to the fact that the ASCC reimburses us after the fact (not beforehand), Professor Hoffman, our advisor, and Cathy Lipe (the MESA director at the STEM Center), is going to be handling the transactions for reimbursement, so that we don't have to. Lucky us! Remember to thank them.

Math Club Official T-Shirts

We will have our Math Club T-Shirts by then. You are expected to wear them on Friday, when I give them to you. If you have a specific size request, please tell me so- otherwise, I will be making educated guesses.

Student Research

We will be finishing up our Inequality in Math Education research and poster so that we can present at the Student Poster session on Saturday. If you are interested in participating to help collect data for the research, please contact me as soon as possible. Our survey should be administered by Wednesday (we need to complete on by then and have copies to hand out in Professor Kaven's communications classes). The last week before the trip will be dedicated to creating the poster.

Click here to see Math Club's webpage about our research on Inequality in Math Education.

The Plan for 12/5

Groups of Math Club members are expected to meet at Canada and drive to Monterey. Here is a break down of that plan:

On Friday, December 5th, Math Club Wave 1 is scheduled to meet at Canada College Lot 1 in front of the Library- the time is set tentatively at noon.

Wave 2 is set to meet in the same place and depart at 3:10pm.

Here is a breakdown of the groups that have committed to go and car options:

However, please note that in order to conserve gas, we will only have 3 drivers. For Wave 1, there are 2 drivers: Marie and AJ, who each have 5 available seats per car.

 In Wave 2, Professor Hoffman (MH) has committed to drive the students leaving at that time.

Here is a breakdown of Wave 1 and Wave 2 groups:

We need to make it to the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Monterey b 8pm to see the keynote speaker's talk about Randomness in Theory and Practice. However, Professor Hoffman and Mariah have indicated that they may be able to get us reduced prices on tickets- if we arrive earlier (like we've planned to), we can visit the aquarium!!

If you have not done so already, please go to the following link to RSVP for this trip:

RSVP survey

Information resources:

General info:

Student Poster Session (info):

Mini-Program Guide:

Click here to see this event's event page for Math Club:

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