Hey everyone,
Please keep the toys coming. PTK has extended the toy drive pick up date to Thursday, 12/18. Please remember to bring the new toys (of value less than $30) to Becca BEFORE you deposit it in the bin in the Learning Center, so that she can put a sticker that says 14 on it (this way, Math Club get's credit for it!). Remember, we are competing against other clubs, so please try to drop something off, in the spirit of competition- er, I meant giving.
Post your questions in the comment section.
These are the voyages of the community college U.S.S. Math Ship. Its two-year mission: to explore strange new equations, to seek out new applications and new ways of abusing tired old math puns, to boldly go... where every single other math major has gone before.
The Community College Math Ship

U.S.S. Math Club
Friday, December 12, 2014
Monday, December 8, 2014
Reimbursement for CMC^3 travel, food, and hotel expenses
Hello everyone,
Please remember to turn in your receipts to me for CMC^3 expenses. All your expenses will be reimbursed by CMC^3, and a check will be made available for you in cashier's office by the end of the semester or early next semester. Check out the reimbursement forms on the ASCC website here.
Things will be much simpler if everyone gives me a piece of paper with their name, address, phone number, and email, and the ORIGINAL COPY of the receipt for the requisition form. If we can put everything on ONE REQUISITION FORM, things should work out more smoothly (forms must be signed by our advisor Hoffman, and our treasurer Jesus.
Please comment here if you have questions about how this works.
Please remember to turn in your receipts to me for CMC^3 expenses. All your expenses will be reimbursed by CMC^3, and a check will be made available for you in cashier's office by the end of the semester or early next semester. Check out the reimbursement forms on the ASCC website here.
Things will be much simpler if everyone gives me a piece of paper with their name, address, phone number, and email, and the ORIGINAL COPY of the receipt for the requisition form. If we can put everything on ONE REQUISITION FORM, things should work out more smoothly (forms must be signed by our advisor Hoffman, and our treasurer Jesus.
Please comment here if you have questions about how this works.
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Winners for the Mini Math Competition (the week before Thanksgiving 11/20)
Hey everyone! The winners from the the AMC8 Mini Math Competition are as follows:
1st Place - Diedrik Edholm (Calc I)
2nd Place - JR Jen (Leonard) (Calc III)
3rd Place - Michael Hoffman (actual professor).
In encourage those of you who didn't turn in your test on the day of to turn it in at the meeting today to see how your scores add up! Thanks!
1st Place - Diedrik Edholm (Calc I)
2nd Place - JR Jen (Leonard) (Calc III)
3rd Place - Michael Hoffman (actual professor).
In encourage those of you who didn't turn in your test on the day of to turn it in at the meeting today to see how your scores add up! Thanks!
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
12.2 ICC Meeting Notes
Hey everyone. Here's yesterday's agenda for the Inter Club Council (ICC) Meeting. Antonia, this semester's ICC Liaison and President Becca (myself) were present. Bring any questions you have about this to the club meeting tomorrow (building 9, room 257A, 4-5pm).
Monday, December 1, 2014
12.4 Agenda (Last Meeting of the Semester!)
Meeting Agenda
3:30-4:30 is the grand opening of the solar panels, which will power something like 2/3 of our campus (as soon as we can get it to work... technical difficulties were experienced today in the Learning Center due to the switch, haha). Because of this, it is understandable if you are late because you are down the hill, checking out some Solar Panels. We will begin at the normal time anyways.
4:00 Intro & PoW
4:15 Mini Math Competition winners
4:16 Current research projects
4:20 PTK Toy Drive*
4:25 Next semester plans (elect officers, Project of the Semester)
4:50 Review CMC^3 plans (Friday morning- day after this meeting)
5:00 Close
*For those of you that miss the meeting and want to donate toys: please come get a sticker from Becca before you drop them in the containers (located in the learning center and the Grove). That ensures you that you are supporting Math Club's participation in the drive.
3:30-4:30 is the grand opening of the solar panels, which will power something like 2/3 of our campus (as soon as we can get it to work... technical difficulties were experienced today in the Learning Center due to the switch, haha). Because of this, it is understandable if you are late because you are down the hill, checking out some Solar Panels. We will begin at the normal time anyways.
4:00 Intro & PoW
4:15 Mini Math Competition winners
4:16 Current research projects
4:20 PTK Toy Drive*
4:25 Next semester plans (elect officers, Project of the Semester)
4:50 Review CMC^3 plans (Friday morning- day after this meeting)
5:00 Close
*For those of you that miss the meeting and want to donate toys: please come get a sticker from Becca before you drop them in the containers (located in the learning center and the Grove). That ensures you that you are supporting Math Club's participation in the drive.
Thursday, November 20, 2014
CMC^3 Trip Details
Hey guys-
I know we spent a lot of the meeting tonight planning, so I wanted to make a post to reiterate what we talked about:
The ASCC is funding our CMC^3 Conference (Friday-Saturday 12/5-6) expenses, which includes food, transportation, hotel, and registration, up to $2,000. However, due to the fact that the ASCC reimburses us after the fact (not beforehand), Professor Hoffman, our advisor, and Cathy Lipe (the MESA director at the STEM Center), is going to be handling the transactions for reimbursement, so that we don't have to. Lucky us! Remember to thank them.
Math Club Official T-Shirts
We will have our Math Club T-Shirts by then. You are expected to wear them on Friday, when I give them to you. If you have a specific size request, please tell me so- otherwise, I will be making educated guesses.
Student Research
We will be finishing up our Inequality in Math Education research and poster so that we can present at the Student Poster session on Saturday. If you are interested in participating to help collect data for the research, please contact me as soon as possible. Our survey should be administered by Wednesday (we need to complete on by then and have copies to hand out in Professor Kaven's communications classes). The last week before the trip will be dedicated to creating the poster.
Click here to see Math Club's webpage about our research on Inequality in Math Education.
The Plan for 12/5
Groups of Math Club members are expected to meet at Canada and drive to Monterey. Here is a break down of that plan:
On Friday, December 5th, Math Club Wave 1 is scheduled to meet at Canada College Lot 1 in front of the Library- the time is set tentatively at noon.
Wave 2 is set to meet in the same place and depart at 3:10pm.
Here is a breakdown of the groups that have committed to go and car options:
We need to make it to the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Monterey b 8pm to see the keynote speaker's talk about Randomness in Theory and Practice. However, Professor Hoffman and Mariah have indicated that they may be able to get us reduced prices on tickets- if we arrive earlier (like we've planned to), we can visit the aquarium!!
If you have not done so already, please go to the following link to RSVP for this trip:
RSVP survey
Information resources:
Student Poster Session (info):
Mini-Program Guide:
Click here to see this event's event page for Math Club:
I know we spent a lot of the meeting tonight planning, so I wanted to make a post to reiterate what we talked about:
The ASCC is funding our CMC^3 Conference (Friday-Saturday 12/5-6) expenses, which includes food, transportation, hotel, and registration, up to $2,000. However, due to the fact that the ASCC reimburses us after the fact (not beforehand), Professor Hoffman, our advisor, and Cathy Lipe (the MESA director at the STEM Center), is going to be handling the transactions for reimbursement, so that we don't have to. Lucky us! Remember to thank them.
Math Club Official T-Shirts
We will have our Math Club T-Shirts by then. You are expected to wear them on Friday, when I give them to you. If you have a specific size request, please tell me so- otherwise, I will be making educated guesses.
Student Research
We will be finishing up our Inequality in Math Education research and poster so that we can present at the Student Poster session on Saturday. If you are interested in participating to help collect data for the research, please contact me as soon as possible. Our survey should be administered by Wednesday (we need to complete on by then and have copies to hand out in Professor Kaven's communications classes). The last week before the trip will be dedicated to creating the poster.
Click here to see Math Club's webpage about our research on Inequality in Math Education.
The Plan for 12/5
Groups of Math Club members are expected to meet at Canada and drive to Monterey. Here is a break down of that plan:
On Friday, December 5th, Math Club Wave 1 is scheduled to meet at Canada College Lot 1 in front of the Library- the time is set tentatively at noon.
Wave 2 is set to meet in the same place and depart at 3:10pm.
Here is a breakdown of the groups that have committed to go and car options:
However, please note that in order to conserve gas, we will only have 3 drivers. For Wave 1, there are 2 drivers: Marie and AJ, who each have 5 available seats per car.
In Wave 2, Professor Hoffman (MH) has committed to drive the students leaving at that time.
Here is a breakdown of Wave 1 and Wave 2 groups:
We need to make it to the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Monterey b 8pm to see the keynote speaker's talk about Randomness in Theory and Practice. However, Professor Hoffman and Mariah have indicated that they may be able to get us reduced prices on tickets- if we arrive earlier (like we've planned to), we can visit the aquarium!!
If you have not done so already, please go to the following link to RSVP for this trip:
RSVP survey
Information resources:
General info:
Student Poster Session (info):
Mini-Program Guide:
Click here to see this event's event page for Math Club:
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Reminder: CMC^3 and Mini Math Competition Tomorrow
Hey guys,
I just wanted to check in with you to remind everyone that the registration deadline for CMC^3 Conference is approaching, and we need to work out the details. Please come to the meeting with your registration forms printed out. Our advisor, Professor Hoffman, says that students get in for free, so no need to fill out the $$ part- however, we may still need to tell them we're coming by mailing in our registration. Click here to get the PDF.
In the mean time, I though you guys might want to check out the program agenda for Friday:
Check out the full program agenda from the CMC^3 website. |
Hope to see you guys tomorrow at the club meeting. Check out these practice problems to prepare for the Mini Math Competition, which will begin 5 minutes or so into the meeting and last a little longer than we typically spend on the PoW.
Here is the agenda, which I posted earlier in the week:
Agenda 11.20
Time: 4-5p
Location: 9-257A
4:00 Overview
4:05 Problem of the Week: Mini Math Competition
4:30 Research Project Survey
4:55 Closing Remarks
Thank you,
Becca Reus
Captain of the U.S.S. Math Ship MathClub
These are the voyages of the community college Math Ship. Its two-year mission: to explore strange new equations, to seek out new applications and new ways of abusing tired old math puns, to boldly go... where every single other math major has gone before.
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Minutes 11/13
Hello Math people!!!
I am finally back with my infamous blogs. Unfortunately, I have to start out all business. Attendance this week: Becca, AJ, Cody, Jesus, Ryan, Diedrik, Lee, Justin, Lapuz, Hoffman, and even Try stopped in for a bit. It has been a while, Try.
We started off like always with our problem of the week for 15 minutes. This one was kind of a thinker and most people solved it with some calculus 251 ninja moves. This problem could have also been done using only trigonometry. Who knew??? To everyone who thought this was a calculus only problem and gave up...you should have at least tried. Tsk, tsk.
Becca showed us a video of a woman talking about polyhedra. I personally learned that Math just sounds better in a British accent. We did learn some more productive things, too. If you like to know more...come to Math club and watch the dang video!!!
The last past of the hour was spent making polyhedra by cutting up triangles and taping them together. 21st century technology in action over here. I got to bring home some super cool paper polyhedra. That's right, be jealous.
AJ OUT!!!!!!!!!!!
I am finally back with my infamous blogs. Unfortunately, I have to start out all business. Attendance this week: Becca, AJ, Cody, Jesus, Ryan, Diedrik, Lee, Justin, Lapuz, Hoffman, and even Try stopped in for a bit. It has been a while, Try.
We started off like always with our problem of the week for 15 minutes. This one was kind of a thinker and most people solved it with some calculus 251 ninja moves. This problem could have also been done using only trigonometry. Who knew??? To everyone who thought this was a calculus only problem and gave up...you should have at least tried. Tsk, tsk.
Becca showed us a video of a woman talking about polyhedra. I personally learned that Math just sounds better in a British accent. We did learn some more productive things, too. If you like to know more...come to Math club and watch the dang video!!!
The last past of the hour was spent making polyhedra by cutting up triangles and taping them together. 21st century technology in action over here. I got to bring home some super cool paper polyhedra. That's right, be jealous.
AJ OUT!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, November 17, 2014
Agenda 11.20
Time: 4-5p
Location: 9-257A
4:00 Overview*
4:05 Problem of the Week: Mini Math Competition**
4:30 Research Project Survey
4:55 Closing Remarks
*Get a head start by printing and filling out your registration for the CMC^3 Conference.
**Instead of having a regular PoW, we are going to have a Mini Math Competition, based on real math competition problems from the AMC. Bring your friends.
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Agenda 11.13
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Sunday, November 2, 2014
Agenda 11/13
Hands-On Activity! Plus free food!
Note: Text Becca if you're interested in helping her and some friends build sample polyhedra on Saturday evening, 11/8. Off-campus, not club-related, 21+.
Date: 11/13
Time: 4-5p
Location: TBA by 11/7
Topic: Making the Abstract Come to Life
4:00 Eat dinner, PoW, video
4:15 Begin Activity
4:55 Introduce trig PoW, finish at next meeting
President Becca
Agenda 11/6
Important Conference Funding Meeting
Note: Math Club will again not have a regular meeting on Thursday, November 11th, due to the fact that our presence is expected at the ASCC meeting, which takes place on that date from 3:30-5:30. You do not have to stay the entire time, even though it may be respectful to do so. If you can't make it until 4, please come at 4. Location will be building 2 room 10. If you cannot find the room, text Becca at 650.556.4647.
Date: 11/6
Time: 3:30-5:30
Location: ASCC Meeting in Building 2, Room 10
Purpose: To answer questions about our funding request for CMC^3 and JMM.
A breakdown of the ASCC has not been posted at this time, but it will be posted beforehand at the following link: http://canadacollege.edu/studentlife/asccagendasandmins.php.
If you are an officer, please let President Rebecca know if you can't make it by contacting her through one of the following:
Email: rreus@my.smccd.edu or mathclubcanada@gmail.com
Cell: 650.556.4647
Note: Math Club will again not have a regular meeting on Thursday, November 11th, due to the fact that our presence is expected at the ASCC meeting, which takes place on that date from 3:30-5:30. You do not have to stay the entire time, even though it may be respectful to do so. If you can't make it until 4, please come at 4. Location will be building 2 room 10. If you cannot find the room, text Becca at 650.556.4647.
Date: 11/6
Time: 3:30-5:30
Location: ASCC Meeting in Building 2, Room 10
Purpose: To answer questions about our funding request for CMC^3 and JMM.
A breakdown of the ASCC has not been posted at this time, but it will be posted beforehand at the following link: http://canadacollege.edu/studentlife/asccagendasandmins.php.
If you are an officer, please let President Rebecca know if you can't make it by contacting her through one of the following:
Email: rreus@my.smccd.edu or mathclubcanada@gmail.com
Cell: 650.556.4647
Halloween Town 2014 (10/30 Minutes)
Hello Everyone,
Halloween Town was a success for the campus, and a success for Math Club in the sense that we gained a ton of publicity about our existence, our research, our scholarship opportunities, and our desire to do more hands-on activities (Like November 13th's hands-on activity involving polyhedra, which is coming up!!!). However, in another sense, we were a bit of a flop in the sense that we didn't make enough money to cover the cost of our costumes, the amazing Scary Math Test tees, which were designed by Becca.
We did, however, break even on the pies, cider, and plates. The problem was that we forgot to buy plates, forks, and napkins in advance from somewhere cheap, and instead had to purchase less for more at the store where we purchased the pies, which were also unfortunately purchased a few minutes before the event was supposed to begin, instead of in advance. In the rush to purchase the pies, cider, and supplies, we accidentally purchased too many pies. Even selling slices at a dollar each, we still had a few pies left over, and they had to be thrown away (there was nowhere to put them). At least we learned our lesson for next time, and at least we broke even on the pie costs!
One of the cutest and most popular items were the Commissioner of Publicity Ryan's 3D printed "Pumpkin Pi" garnishes. Anyone who has pictures of these should send them to me at rreus@my.smccd.edu or MathClubCanada@gmail.com so that we can put them here on the blog!
Math Club is still boss, guys. We had spirit, and that counts.
Special thanks to:
Commisioner Gordon Cody for providing a contact to Safeway for the $50 donation and transportation to Safeway the day of the event. He also manned the table and managed a cashbox.
Commisioner of Publicity Ryan for providing us with free professional propaganda and 3D printed pumkin pi garnish for the pi pies.
Secretary AJ for manning the table in the morning
Propagandist Lee, Diedrik, and Idea Man Mr. Green (Jonathan) for manning the table in the evening.
ICC Liaison / Community Outreach Coordinator Antonia for stopping by to help out.
The Financial Aid Advisor for donating $25.
Please let me know if you did something for this event and I forgot you! It is important we acknowledge you here on the blog. Good job, guys!
President Becca
Edit: Ryan has shared photos of his Pumpkin Pi propaganda with us:
Halloween Town was a success for the campus, and a success for Math Club in the sense that we gained a ton of publicity about our existence, our research, our scholarship opportunities, and our desire to do more hands-on activities (Like November 13th's hands-on activity involving polyhedra, which is coming up!!!). However, in another sense, we were a bit of a flop in the sense that we didn't make enough money to cover the cost of our costumes, the amazing Scary Math Test tees, which were designed by Becca.
Scary Math Test tee (front) |
Scary Math Test tee (back) |
One of the cutest and most popular items were the Commissioner of Publicity Ryan's 3D printed "Pumpkin Pi" garnishes. Anyone who has pictures of these should send them to me at rreus@my.smccd.edu or MathClubCanada@gmail.com so that we can put them here on the blog!
Math Club is still boss, guys. We had spirit, and that counts.
Special thanks to:
Commisioner Gordon Cody for providing a contact to Safeway for the $50 donation and transportation to Safeway the day of the event. He also manned the table and managed a cashbox.
Commisioner of Publicity Ryan for providing us with free professional propaganda and 3D printed pumkin pi garnish for the pi pies.
Secretary AJ for manning the table in the morning
Propagandist Lee, Diedrik, and Idea Man Mr. Green (Jonathan) for manning the table in the evening.
ICC Liaison / Community Outreach Coordinator Antonia for stopping by to help out.
The Financial Aid Advisor for donating $25.
Please let me know if you did something for this event and I forgot you! It is important we acknowledge you here on the blog. Good job, guys!
President Becca
Edit: Ryan has shared photos of his Pumpkin Pi propaganda with us:
Friday, October 31, 2014
Problem of the Week - trig edition
Hello all,
I am posting this PoW because it was an important Hoffman test question that has left many Calc I students stumped! This problem of the week will be in addition to making your sides-vertices chart for the polyhedra, which will prepare you for the hands-on project on Nov 13. Have fun!
I am posting this PoW because it was an important Hoffman test question that has left many Calc I students stumped! This problem of the week will be in addition to making your sides-vertices chart for the polyhedra, which will prepare you for the hands-on project on Nov 13. Have fun!
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Problem of the Week
This is preparation for our hands-on project, which will take place next meeting on Nov. 13, 4-5p.
What is the relationship between the sides of a platonic solid and its vertices? Create a chart of polyhedra. If you can't figure it out, please come to Math Club at least knowing what polyhedra and Platonic solids are. You have two weeks. Go!
What is the relationship between the sides of a platonic solid and its vertices? Create a chart of polyhedra. If you can't figure it out, please come to Math Club at least knowing what polyhedra and Platonic solids are. You have two weeks. Go!
October 30 Agenda: Sell Pies
Hello! Remember that our meeting this Thursday is cancelled due to the Halloween event. I hope you all come and help us sell pies!
Remember, the theme is trig. (Because pi).
So, get your Pi Scholar on. Students who buy pie can answer a trig question to get a stupid sticker. Show up early to help us decorate. We are sharing Table #8 with Robotics.
Also, I bought us all scary math test costumes.
Event: ASCC Halloween Town, Canada College Upper Quad
9:30a-1:15, 4:45p-7:15
Remember, the theme is trig. (Because pi).
So, get your Pi Scholar on. Students who buy pie can answer a trig question to get a stupid sticker. Show up early to help us decorate. We are sharing Table #8 with Robotics.
Also, I bought us all scary math test costumes.
Event: ASCC Halloween Town, Canada College Upper Quad
9:30a-1:15, 4:45p-7:15
Monday, October 27, 2014
Oct. 23 2014 Minutes
Hello ALLLLL!!!!!!!!!!
We had a guest speaker come in, Rachel Rankin. She is a lovely, Canada alumni who went on to UCLA for her undergraduate degree in Applied Mathematics and UCSC for a master's degree in Economics. Now, she is working at facebook. Yes, it is the same facebook that most of us use daily. Good for her.
For the first ten minutes, she talked about her general path. She was interested in a bunch of different majors here in Canada, but eventually landed on mathematics. She spoke of why she ended up going to UCSC and why she dropped out of her Phd program. Lastly, she talked about the difficulties in finding work in this area. Apparently, it is all about who you know. Shocker there.
The next 50 minutes were spent as an open question forum. People asked excellent questions about the types of classes she was taking to what kinds of universities she would go to. There was a huge reign of questions. Most were asked by Prezident Becca Sizzle; way to monopolize Rachel the entire time.
I personally think that I asked the most meaningful of all the questions, "Many of us feel like there are classes that make you feel terrible and thinking that you are never going to get through it. Has this ever happened to you and how did you deal with it?" Best question of the night; I am giving myself a gold star. She gave me a really thoughtful answer. She said that a lot of what we are thinking is an internalized criticism and that it is important to know yourself, know how you think in order to push past those fears.
All in all, we had a pretty good time with Rachel. I hope she comes back next year and does this again.
P.S. Sorry Becca for not taking attendance. I will get on that junk next time.
We had a guest speaker come in, Rachel Rankin. She is a lovely, Canada alumni who went on to UCLA for her undergraduate degree in Applied Mathematics and UCSC for a master's degree in Economics. Now, she is working at facebook. Yes, it is the same facebook that most of us use daily. Good for her.
For the first ten minutes, she talked about her general path. She was interested in a bunch of different majors here in Canada, but eventually landed on mathematics. She spoke of why she ended up going to UCSC and why she dropped out of her Phd program. Lastly, she talked about the difficulties in finding work in this area. Apparently, it is all about who you know. Shocker there.
The next 50 minutes were spent as an open question forum. People asked excellent questions about the types of classes she was taking to what kinds of universities she would go to. There was a huge reign of questions. Most were asked by Prezident Becca Sizzle; way to monopolize Rachel the entire time.
I personally think that I asked the most meaningful of all the questions, "Many of us feel like there are classes that make you feel terrible and thinking that you are never going to get through it. Has this ever happened to you and how did you deal with it?" Best question of the night; I am giving myself a gold star. She gave me a really thoughtful answer. She said that a lot of what we are thinking is an internalized criticism and that it is important to know yourself, know how you think in order to push past those fears.
All in all, we had a pretty good time with Rachel. I hope she comes back next year and does this again.
P.S. Sorry Becca for not taking attendance. I will get on that junk next time.
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Oct. 16 Minutes
Meeting Oct. 16
Hey everyone!!! Sorry
I am writing this blog so late. I have
had junk and stuff to do.
Thursday’s math club meeting was a refreshing change from
our normally busy and hectic meetings to a slow and relaxing discussion (if you
think that getting voluntold to commit to being places and doing certain tasks
is relaxing).
We kicked off the meeting with an “in your face” kind of
question. The question was, “have you
ever stopped going to class and why?”
Well, once I got over the initial shock of the question, I decided to go
along with the exercise because, you know, why not? I personally told an intense tale of guile
and intrigue about my time in pre-calculus.
Yes, I had taken it multiple times and yes, it was because I was a dumb
teenager hopped up on hormones. Others
in the club told their heartfelt struggles with math and I could sympathize. The struggle is real.
Antonia volunteered (actual volunteer not voluntold) to
become the Commissioner of Community Outreach!
I don’t even know what that means exactly, but I feel like it may be
important. Apparently, Antonia’s got
some connections or something in that area.
She is going to be leading the way for the Julia Robinson Festival in
Redwood City and the various volunteer tutoring opportunities in the area.
Halloween is fast approaching. Tons of people volunteered to be at the table
and we decided on all dressing up as math tests. Well, I know math exams are scary for the
rest of the population, but personally I love them so much that I wouldn’t mind
rolling around in math exams. Actually,
that is how I am going to get all the math exams on me. I am going to roll around in them with glue
until they stick to me.
I think everyone has agreed on the whole pi stickers
idea. I thought we went over that last
week, but lord knows that I enjoy talking about pi stickers every week. It is in fact my favorite topic of
Next week we have a guest speaker that works at
facebook. She went to Canada years ago,
so she may know some things about the education process through STEM. Let’s all welcome her as warmly as possible.
We talked about more stuff like the conferences, but there are
only a handful of people who are going, so I do not to sully this blog with
stuff that doesn’t apply to everyone.
Yes…occasionally, even I am considerate.
Aj OUT!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, October 20, 2014
Update from Friday's ICC Proposal Prep Meeting
Here is an outline of what we expect to talk about during our funding request proposal at the Inter Club Council Meeting on Tues, Oct 21 at 2:30 in the ASCC Clubhouse. Antonia and I will be filling in the details and creating a short PowerPoint Presentation to accompany the outline during the next Prep meeting, which is today (Mon, Oct 20, 2-3pm) in the STEM Center. Stay tuned for more details.
Math Club Conference
I. Why Math Conferences?
A. Opportunities for Canada College Students to present research that is directly applicable to other Canada College Students
B. Opportunities for Math Majors to meet and network with real mathematicians
C. Opportunities for non-math majors to expand their horizons, learn, and help others
II. CMC Cubed
A. Date, times, location
B. What is it?
C. Registration fees and conference meals
D. Non-conference meals
E. Travel (gas)
F. Total
III. Joint Mathematics Meeting
A. Date, times, location
B. What is it?
C. Registration fees and conference meals
D. Minicourses
E. Non-conference meals
F. Travel (gas or fly?)
G. Small student stipend
H. Total
IV. Conclusion
A. What we need from you
B. Thank you
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Oct 16 agenda and powerpoint
The PowerPoint for today's meeting can be found at Rebecca's Math Club Google Drive folder:
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Data for Cañada College Student Equity Plan
Please follow this link to access the data for Math Club's research idea on Inequality in Math Education before the next meeting.
Monday, October 13, 2014
Oct. 9 Minutes Read Me!!!
Oct 9, 2014
Oh hey guys! We are back with normal meetings. Yes, that does mean all of us sitting around
a round table like King Arthur and Sir Lancelot, except without the soap opera
drama surrounding fair Guinevere.
Most of the
meeting was dedicated to discussing Joint Mathematics Meeting. Signups for JMM travel scholarship is
finished tomorrow, so get there. As
Arnold would say, “Get to Da signups!” We need a budget to be discussed for each
person, so we know the breakdown of costs to be presented to the ICC
meeting. Jesus will be taking care of
that. Apparently, he is taking care of
all the financial stuff. The treasurer
is actually doing things….crazy.
Hallows Eve
is vastly approaching and we have to do some junk for the ASCC’s Halloween Bash
on the 30th. Why is it on the
30th and not the 31st?
The world may never know. Well, I
mean I don’t know, therefore, the world doesn’t know. I was voluntold to make a poster for Math
Club. I think it has to be all
Halloweeny or something. I think I am
just going to put fake cobwebs on it and call it a day. That should be a rule of thumb for
everything: “When in doubt, put cobwebs on it.”
Can someone
get some Pi Pies? Yeah, we are talking
to you. Spread your wings and ask people
about donating pumpkin pies to us.
Imagine Uncle Sam pointing at you in a patriotic and menacing way. This is your civic duty right here. We need you guys.
yeah. We colored some Sierpinski
triangles. (As a side note, Sierpinski
is a really difficult name to spell.
What the hell? Why can’t there be
more mathematicians with easily pronounceable names?) The triangles were fun. I think we connected them at the end of the
meeting to make one super triangle. With
our forces combined, we will make a super triangle!! “Captain ‘Pinski, he’s our hero!! Gonna take math illiteracy down to zero.”
(Yes, that is a captain planet reference for our older readers.)
Aj out!!!
Friday, October 10, 2014
Oct 9 Meeting PowerPoint and JMM Travel Scholarship Presentation Application!!!!!
Go to this link to see information about the JMM that I presented yesterday:
Here is a link that will take you directly to the JMM Travel Scholarship Presentation App:
Here is the name of my research presentation: Inequality in Mathematics Education
Here is the advisor information:
Michael Hoffman
(650) 306-3346
Here is a link that will take you directly to the JMM Travel Scholarship Presentation App:
Here is the name of my research presentation: Inequality in Mathematics Education
Here is the advisor information:
Michael Hoffman
(650) 306-3346
Thursday, October 9, 2014
ICC Report(s) from Sept. 23 & Oct. 7.
Here is what you need to know about the past two ICC meetings:
1. Collaboration: ASCC would like to see clubs interact. An example would how we, Math Club, are sharing a table with Robotics Club for Oct. 30th Halloween event.
2. Incentive: Speaking about major events, did you know that ASCC is holding a Disneyland-themed Halloween event? Everyone is encouraged to dress up as there will be a cash prizes; also the club that has the most decorative table/engaging activities will win $50 for their club's account (or $25 for our case since we are sharing a table).
3. WE NEED VOLUNTEERS! If you are available to help us man our table on Thursday, October 30, 2014 from either 9am-12:45pm or 4:45pm-7:15pm, please let me know.
-End of report.-
1. Collaboration: ASCC would like to see clubs interact. An example would how we, Math Club, are sharing a table with Robotics Club for Oct. 30th Halloween event.
2. Incentive: Speaking about major events, did you know that ASCC is holding a Disneyland-themed Halloween event? Everyone is encouraged to dress up as there will be a cash prizes; also the club that has the most decorative table/engaging activities will win $50 for their club's account (or $25 for our case since we are sharing a table).
3. WE NEED VOLUNTEERS! If you are available to help us man our table on Thursday, October 30, 2014 from either 9am-12:45pm or 4:45pm-7:15pm, please let me know.
-End of report.-
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Oct 9 Meeting Agenda
Date: Thursday, Oct. 9, 2014
Time: 4-5pm
Location: 9-257A
Officers in Attendance: President Becca, Treasurer Jesus, Secretary AJ, ICC Liaison Antonia
Not sure: Propagandist Lee and Commissioner of Publicity Ryan Carroll
Absent: VP Try duh
4:00-4:05 Overview of agenda
4:05-4:10 Warm-up
4:10-4:20 Joint Mathematics Meetings: Research and Travel Scholarship Opportunities
Rebecca's research abstract
4:20-4:25 Halloween Fundraising: Pi Pies
Allocation of duties (pies, whipped cream, math problems, signs, cash box)
4:25-4:30 Antonia's Report
Inter Club Counsel
Associated Students of Canada College
Other Clubs
Fundraising and requests
4:30-4:35 Community Outreach Opportunities
1 hour/week K-12 Tutoring in San Carlos
Julia Robinson Math Festival Helpers at Stanford
Stanford MOOC: How to Learn Math
4:35-4:40 Math Occupational Outlook
Types of occupations
Sign-ups: Would you like to present a Math Ideas?
4:40-4:45 Math Internships and Scholarships
4:45-5:00 Upcoming events (see blog calendar)
Important: Please note that today's MATLAB tutorial has been canceled due to urgent matters of Club Business needing to be settled! We'll do MATLAB Next week.
Also note that Friday "optional" meetings/brainstorming sessions have been canceled until further notice due to UC visits and other Friday activities.
Time: 4-5pm
Location: 9-257A
Officers in Attendance: President Becca, Treasurer Jesus, Secretary AJ, ICC Liaison Antonia
Not sure: Propagandist Lee and Commissioner of Publicity Ryan Carroll
Absent: VP Try duh
4:00-4:05 Overview of agenda
4:05-4:10 Warm-up
4:10-4:20 Joint Mathematics Meetings: Research and Travel Scholarship Opportunities
Rebecca's research abstract
4:20-4:25 Halloween Fundraising: Pi Pies
Allocation of duties (pies, whipped cream, math problems, signs, cash box)
4:25-4:30 Antonia's Report
Inter Club Counsel
Associated Students of Canada College
Other Clubs
Fundraising and requests
4:30-4:35 Community Outreach Opportunities
1 hour/week K-12 Tutoring in San Carlos
Julia Robinson Math Festival Helpers at Stanford
Stanford MOOC: How to Learn Math
4:35-4:40 Math Occupational Outlook
Types of occupations
Sign-ups: Would you like to present a Math Ideas?
4:40-4:45 Math Internships and Scholarships
4:45-5:00 Upcoming events (see blog calendar)
Important: Please note that today's MATLAB tutorial has been canceled due to urgent matters of Club Business needing to be settled! We'll do MATLAB Next week.
Also note that Friday "optional" meetings/brainstorming sessions have been canceled until further notice due to UC visits and other Friday activities.
Saturday, October 4, 2014
Thursday, October 2, 2014
ASCC Halloween 2014
Come join us to celebrate Halloween and show Math Club spirit! Sign up by emailing President Rebecca at rreus@my.smccd.edu |
Tabling shifts:
9:00am-12:45 ??? Antonia D La Torre (first 45 min), AJ (9-11), Jesus (after 9:25)
4:45-7:15pm Rebecca Reus,
Club Minutes: Oct. 2, 2014
Math Club
Minutes Oct. 2, 2014:
We had
casino night and the Mexican cokes were a hit.
Also, the croissants were fantastic.
I am glad Cody brought in some of his own snacks for the club. Everyone thank him when you see him.
Tong and Professor Lapuz joined us for the casino fun madness. I hope they had an excellent time helping
with the probability questions and gambling…well faux gambling anyway. I thought it was really interesting learner
how the gambling odds are actually not the same as the actual probability to
win….WHAT?!! I know…the casinos lie to
I lost some
fake money last night, too. Math club
was rolling in my fake, loaned money.
The monopoly man would have been proud.
The last 15
minutes were spent talking about blackjack.
We played a couple hands while Alain talked about how easy it is to
count cards…showoff. Well I think
overall the night was extremely successful.
We played two different games, talked about some math (occasionally) and
had a good time while doing it. The only
thing that would make it better would be if we could somehow convince the
school to allow alcohol to the meetings.
Man, life would be good.
Aj Out!!!!
10/2 Casino Night Agenda
10/2/14 Math Club
Meeting Agenda
Casino Night: Hands-On
Attending Officers: Secretary Aj, Prez.
Bex-Sizzle, Treasurer Jesus, ICC Liaison Antonia, Propagandist Lee
Attending Advisors: Profs. Tong and Hoffman
Planned Absences: Commissioner of Publicity Ryan, VP Try
4:00 Eat dinner, problem of the week from 2 weeks ago (see problem of the week below)
4:10 Intro to Roulette with Prezident Bex Sauce
4:20 Play Roulette
Finish the
Odds/Probability Chart, Create a Graph
4:30 Intro to Blackjack with Treasurer Jesus Lopez
4:40 Play blackjack
4:50 Best Math Club T-Shit Ever Contest
Demo: Iron Chris’s
idea for the First Best Math Club Shirt Ever
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Meeting Sept. 25
Meeting Sept. 25th
So we all met in Bldg 3 Room 148 for Professor Lapuz's lecture/seminar on math philosophy. I have to say...I was dubious on the actual content of the lecture. I mean, if you walked down the street and asked someone, "what is math philosophy?" 1. they will either ignore you because you sound crazy, 2. They will give you a seemingly B.S. answer, or 3. they will say, "I did not know such a thing exists."
At this point while reading this, I would ask myself, "what the heck is math philosophy?" Well, you know what?? You should have actually attended. This is me guilt tripping all people in the club who didn't go to the lecture. It was engaging, funny, but most of all, it had Lapuz's awkward yet endearing demeanor. It's actually what took the talk to the next level. The subject matter itself perhaps could have been dull, but Lapuz really made it accessible.
There are also a couple of "mathy" type ideas that I took away from the lecture. There were many aspects that I did not know about because it is not taught in the conventional classes. There aren't many times where my mind gets blown...well, maybe there are...but nonetheless, I learned some new junk about the world. Hats off to you Lapuz.
Oh yeah...they had free coffee, too.
Aj OUT!!!
So we all met in Bldg 3 Room 148 for Professor Lapuz's lecture/seminar on math philosophy. I have to say...I was dubious on the actual content of the lecture. I mean, if you walked down the street and asked someone, "what is math philosophy?" 1. they will either ignore you because you sound crazy, 2. They will give you a seemingly B.S. answer, or 3. they will say, "I did not know such a thing exists."
At this point while reading this, I would ask myself, "what the heck is math philosophy?" Well, you know what?? You should have actually attended. This is me guilt tripping all people in the club who didn't go to the lecture. It was engaging, funny, but most of all, it had Lapuz's awkward yet endearing demeanor. It's actually what took the talk to the next level. The subject matter itself perhaps could have been dull, but Lapuz really made it accessible.
There are also a couple of "mathy" type ideas that I took away from the lecture. There were many aspects that I did not know about because it is not taught in the conventional classes. There aren't many times where my mind gets blown...well, maybe there are...but nonetheless, I learned some new junk about the world. Hats off to you Lapuz.
Oh yeah...they had free coffee, too.
Aj OUT!!!
Friday, September 19, 2014
Meeting #4 Minutes (9/18)
Attendence for Math Club Meeting #4 |
So, we broke more ice. I am starting to see a trend happening. The question this week was, "Tell us something interesting about yourself." I have to say...math people are either really interesting or really quiet. No worries. My challenge this year is to bring everyone out of their respective shells by the end of the semester. If you are reading this, yes, I mean you. Get ready for next week's breaking bad ice question.
Then, I went over the minutes from last week. I know, I know. Many of you are tired of hearing my voice dominate the meeting. Personally, I never get tired of hearing my voice, so of course I spent as much time on this section as possible. Similarly, I am taking an entire paragraph in this blog to talk about how I read the minutes from this blog. Yes, I realize that I just went 2pi.
We watched a video on how Archimedes (one of the most famous mathematicians of all time) could find the area of a circle by just using triangles. Why is it that all math seemingly always comes back to triangles. What is wrong with having everything be rectangles? I think the math gods are trying to give me a sin that I am never going to get away from triangles.
Becca's contribution to the blog (notice that it is all business):
"JMM 2015 might be too expensive, so we brainstormed some ideas for field trips. Diedrik suggested that we tour NASA in Mountain View. Professor Hoffman has suggested Stanford Lectures.
Professor Lapuz and one other person brought up visiting Stanford SLAC, which is the particle accelerator used to read Archimedes' recently discovered text."
We watched a second video until the end of the hour. The video was a Ted Talk on the Archimedes text that was recovered from a prayer book. Apparently, this prayer book contained 2 other super important texts in it. Whichever monk reused these different books and parchment had some high quality taste. If I were a medieval monk, I guess I would want to use the paper of the most famous books in history, too. Don't feel bad if you left the meeting early...I sure don't.
Next week's meeting (#5) will be held in 3-148, where we will suspend regular Math Club meeting activity in order to visit a guest lecture about Prof. Lapuz's philosophy in math.
Problem of the Week #5
There is a railroad that spans a V-shaped canyon. It is supported by beams which start at length of 6 ft on either side of the canyon, while the next beam increases by 2 ft, all the way until the center of the canyon, where the middle beam is a length of 246 ft.
What is the total length of all the beams?
What is the total length of all the beams?
The Lost Codex of Archimedes
From the our talk about Stanford's particle accelerator during Meeting #4! (Click here to see my comment on this past week's agenda).
Thursday, September 18, 2014
UPDATED Agenda for Meeting #4 (9/18)
Official Math Club Meeting #4 Agenda
Math Club
4:00PM-5:00PM Thursday, September 18th, 2014
Antonia- ICC Liaison
AJ- Secretary
Try- Vice President/Co-treasurer
Rebecca- President
Jesus, Alexis, and the others- Co-Treasurers
Ryan- Commissioner of Publicity
Lee- Propagandist
You- mere minion / worker bee / mathlete drone
Profs. Hoffman and Tong
Welcome Survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/JLXH8W6
Upcoming events:
1. Next Meeting (#5): Thursday 9/25 4-5pm → Guest Lecture: Ray Lapuz, Professor of Mathematics
Ø Location: Building 3 (Room TBA)
Ø Topic: Mathematics in Philosophy
2. Wednesday 10/1 4:30pm-6pm → Guest Lecture: Math Club Introduces Patricia Millán, Statistician
Ø Location: STEM Speaker Series, Building 6-102
Ø Topic: Careers in Math
3. (Meeting #6) Thursday 10/2 4-5pm → Math Club Casino Kick-Back
Ø Location: Building 9-257A
Ø Topic: Hands-On Probability and Logic
4. (Meeting #7) Thursday 10/9 4-5pm → Workshop: MATLAB for Math Homework
Ø Location: Building 16-106
Ø Topic: Math, Computer Science, and Engineering
5. Saturday 1/10- Tuesday 1/13 → JMM (Joint Mathematics Meetings) Conference
Ø Location: San Antonio, Texas (details TBA)
Ongoing events:
6. Best Math Shirt Ever Contest → Winner gets an undisclosed prize...
Problem of the week:
What are some other ways to solve this?
AJ – Math Club Minutes
Antonia – ASCC/ICC Update (Thank you for Friday’s back-up meeting!)
Becca – T-Shirt Update: Best Math Shirt Ever Contest Is On-Going
JMM Update: ASCC Funding Request Submitted
Club Status Update: Club Application/Training Complete!
Ryan and Lee—Commissioner of Publicity and Propagandist Update: What have you guys been up to? Come up with any more publicity/propaganda ideas?
Jesus, Try, and Alexis—Update from the Treasury: Where we at with money?
Everyone—What have you done with math since last week?
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Calc II - The Washers, the Dryers...
I wanted to share with everyone the wonderful Calc II study guide from Professor Innerst's class, which summarizes the methods of finding volumes through rotation. It may come in handy for those of you planing to take Calc II next semester.
Monday, September 15, 2014
Official Math Club Meeting #4 Agenda (Thursday, Sept. 19th, 4-5pm)
Official Math Club Meeting #4 Agenda
College Math Club
Thursday, September 18th, 2014
Antonia- ICC
Try- Vice
Jesus and
Alexis- Co-Treasurers
Commissioner of Publicity
Lee- Propagandist
You- mere minion
/ worker bee / mathlete drone
Math Club
Survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/JLXH8W6
Thursday 9/25 4-5pm Meeting #5: Guest Lecture- Professor Ray Lapuz
Location: Building 3 (Room TBA)
Topic: Mathematics in Philosophy
Saturday 1/10- Tuesday 1/13 JMM (Joint
Mathematics Meetings) Conference
Location: San Antonio, Texas (details TBA)
Problem of
the week: TBA
Solve this
problem at your own level- but what are
some other ways of solving this?
Introductions (Ice
What is Math
AJ – Math
Club Minutes
Antonia –
ASCC/ICC Update (Thank you for Friday’s back-up meeting!)
Becca –
T-Shirt Update, JMM Update, Club Status Update
Ryan and
Lee—Commissioner of Publicity and Propagandist Update
Jesus, Try,
and Alexis—Update from the Treasury
Mini Math
Movie Night: TBA
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