Please review the following to get an idea about what it takes to be Math Club. We are about fun, but here is explanation of the politics of Math Club, as mandated by the Associated Students of Cañada College (ASCC).
President Rebecca Reus
Every club is required to elect a President:
1. Scheduling and running club meetings
2. Official Spokesperson for the club
3. Make every club meeting
4. Work with secretary and advisor to develop meeting agendas
5. Understanding and following the Club Constitution and Cañada College Club Policy Handbook.
NOTE: Remember at Cañada, a student can only hold 3 club officer positions at a time.
Treasurer Jesus Lopez
Every club is required to elect a Treasurer.
The Treasurer is responsible for:
1. Keeping track of the Club budget and processing and signing ASCC Requisition forms.
2. Must be able to attend club meetings.
3. Remember at Cañada, a student can only hold 3 club officer positions at a time.
Secretary AJ Chlarson
Every club is required to elect a Secretary.
They are responsible for:
1. Taking minutes at each meeting. They also keep track of agendas and minutes, preferably uploaded online.
2. Remember at Cañada, a student can only hold 3 club officer positions at a time.
Inter Club Council Liaison Antonia De La Torre
Every club is required to elect an ASCC Liaison.
They are responsible for:
1. Attending Inter-Club Council Meetings
2. Be the liaison between the club and ICC, you are responsible for reporting the status of the club to other clubs as well as reporting the content of the ICC information to your club members.
2. Be in charge of requesting money from ICC.
3. Remember at Cañada, a student can only hold 3 club officer positions at a time.
Membership in the Inter-Club Council is open to all ASCC recognized student clubs and organizations. All student clubs/organizations must send (1) representative to the ICC meetings to maintain active status and to qualify for ASCC funding. Representatives cannot miss more than ONE ICC meeting per semester, otherwise the club may be terminated. ICC representatives are responsible for staying informed about all decisions and information discussed during ICC meetings.
***An ICC Liaison can only represent ONE club per semester. Please Note: Only club officers or ICC
representatives ON RECORD are allowed to vote on ICC matters.
Note: Other positions, such as Commissioner of Publicity (Ryan Carroll), Propagandist (Lee), and Vice President (Try Khov) are not considered required positions by the ASCC, but Math Club views them as important, so they have been written into our club constitution as such.
Note: Other positions, such as Commissioner of Publicity (Ryan Carroll), Propagandist (Lee), and Vice President (Try Khov) are not considered required positions by the ASCC, but Math Club views them as important, so they have been written into our club constitution as such.

Agreement of Financial Responsibility:
We, the undersigned, do herby understand that Cañada College approved clubs are only allowed to have Club Trust / Savings accounts through the college. We understand that when we raise money on or off-campus, that we must deposit our money into our Cañada College Trust Account. We also understand that when processing ASCC or facilities’ paperwork, the forms must be turned into the Center for Student Life and Leadership Development at least 14 days in advance. If our club becomes inactive, all the money in our club account will be transferred to the ASCC.
We further understand that we will be held fully and personally responsible for any costs or damages incurred by the organization, in any of the club’s activities, authorized by our checked boxes.
-This means that the President (Rebecca) and the Treasurer (Jesus) are personally responsible for any costs or damages incurred by Math Club and Math Club activities.
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