Math Club invited last semester's members and all the math majors who attended last semester's Speaker Series. Out of that group, the people who attended the meeting are:
--01/29 Update: here is the official attendance list taken at the meeting:
Also, I would appreciate it if everyone interested in participating in Math Club fill out the following membership application:
Thank you for taking the time to fill out that form. Let's continue with the meeting minutes.
Thank you for taking the time to fill out that form. Let's continue with the meeting minutes.
Problem of the week:
This problem came from the AMC 8 2010 and can be found here with a detailed solution.
We solved the problem together on the board:
If anybody has any questions about how we solved this problem, please email me at and I would be glad to go over it again next meeting. Thanks to Professor Tong, Math Club's other advisor, we have another awesome math problem / activity planned for next meeting. So please join us on Friday, February 6th in 9-253.
Infinite Possibilities Conference (IPC):
Professor Hoffman talked about IPC, the conference Math Club wants to go to this semester. The due date for registration is Friday, January 30th (next week!!!). The conference is March 1-3, so you will have to miss a little bit of class. However, Professor Hoffman guarantees that he will vouch for you to your professors! So don't worry about that. We hope to get funding to pay for student registration, which is $50.
Meanwhile, Marie has offered to provide transportation for a few students, which is awesome!
Math Club Scholarship:
The Math Club Scholarship has traditionally given awards totaling to $1,000 at the Leadership Awards Ceremony, which is towards the end of the semester, in around April. Last year, Rebecca received an award! Basically, a panel judges students who apply based on their leadership, participation, and attendance to math-related activities at the STEM Center, like Math Club and tutoring. Application for this scholarship and many others is done through the Canada College scholarship application, which I believe can be accessed here. The due date is early this year, so please start applying now! It requires a personal statement and a letter of recommendation.
In order to make sure that the Math Club Scholarship, as well as other leadership awards, can even happen at all, many of the awards are based on student fundraising. Math Club has typically tried to achieve $1000 in scholarship through fundraising. Over the next few meetings, we need to work out some fundraising details!
Member Greg Trimble has a fundraising idea: he proposes that Math Club should host a Texas Hold 'em Tournament with suggested donations for people to attend. He has agreed to teach members and attendees how to play and the mathematics behind Texas Hold 'em probability. All members interested should vote here:
Thanks for voting! Voting results will be published by next meeting, February 6th.
Leadership Positions:
There are several leadership options available to people interested in having more power in Math Club:
-ICC (Inter Club Council) Liaison *Most Important Position
Diana wants to be Treasurer and ICC Liaison (we need to confirm with the ASCC that she can be both).
The Treasurer is responsible for printing, completing, and signing ASCC club forms related to running student clubs, getting them signed by one of our advisors, and submitting them to the ASCC Office (AKA the Center of Student Life), which is located in the Grove (the cafeteria on campus). The Treasurer is also responsible for handling and collecting any money made by the club through donations or fundraising, filling out the appropriate ASCC form for it, and submitting it to the Cashier's Office under the Math Club's account (the Cashier's Office is located on the 1st floor of building 9, directly below the Learning Center).
The ICC Liaison is responsible for attending ICC Meetings, which are held every other Tuesday at 2:15 PM - 3:15 PM in the Center for Student Life in the Grove, beginning Tuesday, February 10th, at 2:15PM. As ICC Liaison, you must take notes on the ICC proceedings, and bring that information to Math Club on our Friday Meetings, which occur on Fridays of the following week. ICC is extremely important, and so remember to tell us what's going on there!
Marie wants to be Secretary.
If she takes the Secretary position, she will be in charge of recording attendance and member info (names, phone numbers, g-numbers) and keeping the blog up to date, with Rebecca's help.
Jonathan is interested in being Treasurer, but less so than Diana. Jesus L. was last semester's Treasurer, so he may be interested in taking the position again.
Rebecca is acting is Club President since Try stepped down last semester. If you are interested in being club president, please talk to Rebecca, so that we can see what we can do about that. At this time, no one has opted to do so, but we need someone to take over by Fall 2015, when the current President graduates. Let me know if you are interested!
Since we are a student club, we have to vote to elect positions. Please fill out the following form to elect members to their positions. People who have been elected will be emailed next week with more instructions on how to fulfill their roles as club officers. Until then, I suggest that you read about the ASCC, ICC, and general club information on Canada College's website.
Thanks for voting! We appreciating your participation. Everyone who participates in Math Club, even if you do not want an officer position, are making the club more fun and amazing. Thank you so much!
Math Club's next meeting is Friday, February 6th, at 11:30-12:30 in room 9-253. I will post an agenda for the meeting on Monday evening.
Again, you can view a tentative semester-long calendar of events on the previous blog post located here. Below, I've embedded a live, continuously updated calendar of Math Club's events for the rest of the semester (it contains the same information, just in a calendar, instead of a list). You can use the arrows to scroll through each month. This calendar is also on the side bar of the blog home page.
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