The Community College Math Ship

The Community College Math Ship
U.S.S. Math Club

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Agenda 5/15 Last meeting of the semester! And a note goodbye.

Hey all,

In case you didn't get the memo last week, we scheduled the very last Math Club meeting of the semester at 11:00 AM on Friday, May 15th. Bring your favorite food, your favorite game, your favorite puzzle, or your favorite math problem to share with everyone. 

Anyways. Thanks for hanging out with me every other Friday. It has been fun.


Here's a loose agenda for tomorrow's meeting:

11:00 Food
11:10 Officer election tally... and the winners are...
11:20 Knights and Knaves, and other logic puzzles from my latest midterm review in Discrete Math
11:40 Oragami
11:50 Housekeeping stuff: Does everyone have access to the blog? If not, send me an email so we can make you an author. Everyone should have access.
12:00 Bye!

Friday, May 1, 2015

Math Club Meeting 05/01 Minutes - and link to Officer Election / Constitution Ratification Form

Here is the agenda and 2 problems from Math Club this week:

Click to open in new window / enlarge.
The answer to #1 is Knave-Knight, and the answer to #2 is written on the board under the agenda (it is a number).

We also discussed again officer positions for next semester. Please go to the following link to vote for officer positions and ratify the constitution we worked on a few meetings ago:

Don't forget to submit the constitution by using the responses on the form to submit with the Club Application in Fall 2015- I won't be around to remind you guys, because I got in to Berkeley! Yay!


PS. The next (and final) meeting is at 11:00 AM on Friday, May 15th, 2015. We also decided to schedule 7 meetings for next semester. You can view them on the calendar at the following link:

The first meeting of semester fall 2015 is on Friday, August 17th, 2015 at 11:00 AM in Room 9-253.